When you are in an emergency or want money immediately for some purpose, your best option would be to go for an instant personal loan online. It may be difficult to approach friends or relatives during this critical time and ask them to loan a large amount of money. Instead of checking out such options, visit Nitstone Finserv to apply for a personal loan.
Nitstone Finserv offers various types of personal loans for salaried employees. A few of them are discussed below:
1. Wedding Loan
There is no need to explain the kind of expenses one will have during the wedding. Apart from the known expenses, there are many hidden expenses involved in organising a wedding. Apply for a personal loan at Nitstone Finserv to manage the finances during the wedding.
2. Festival Loan
In our tradition, festivals are the times when the entire clan gets together and celebrates the holy occasion. If you are hosting all your relatives, then you will surely have a lot of expenses, from organising the stay to getting new clothes for all the relatives. Get a personal loan to tide over the expenses.
3. Top-up Loan
Have you already taken a personal loan, but are in a financial crunch right now? That’s not a problem! You can avail a top-up loan over your personal loan. However, you may have to wait for 6 to 12 months after the initial loan is sanctioned to avail the top-up loan.
4. Holiday & Travel Loan
Planning a dream vacation? Don’t let lack of money keep you from following your dreams. If you have got leave from work, then organise the funds by applying for instant personal loan online. Once you have cleared the eligibility criteria, the amount will be credited to your account in two days. Enjoy your holiday and repay the amount in manageable EMIs. No matter where you want to travel, you can avail a personal loan to cover your travel expenses.
5. Home Renovation Loan
Whether you want to repair your house, make renovations or redecorate the interiors, the expenses can be staggering and difficult to manage with your regular income. Get a personal loan for salaried employee and use it to cover the expenses of renovating your house.
6. Consumer Durable Loan
Want to buy electronics and other appliances for your home? Get a consumer durable loan from Nitstone Finserv. This loan amount can be used to buy television, fridge, washing machine, air conditioner, microwave, phone, computer and other essentials.
7. Overdraft Loan
Apply for this loan and have a minimum amount in your account at all times. You may never know when you will need the money. The best part is that you need to pay interest only on the amount that you spend.
To know more about the interest rates and repayment options of personal loans, visit Nitstone Finserv right away.